200th Episode: Walt Disney World Attraction Bracket

In this special 200th episode of The Brazilian Dragon Podcast, Felipe welcomes JoFo, Mel, and Matt to determine the best attraction at Walt Disney World Resort. Buckle your lap bars because it is the ultimate ride of a podcast.
Have any questions for the podcast? Email them to brazildragonpod@gmail.com.
Thank you to Freddy Luna (StuckOnYouCartoons) for the incredible Brazilian Dragon Podcast Artwork.
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This episode is part of the Brazilian Dragon Podcast Network. Feel free to support The Brazilian Dragon Podcast via PayPal or Patreon. And follow the Brazilian Dragon on social media: Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook! Plus, check out our website!
Feel free to support The Brazilian Dragon Podcast via PayPal. And follow the Brazilian Dragon on social media: Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook! Plus, check out our new website!